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Reasons for cracking of PVC anti-static floor veneer
List:Company News Time:2018-03-05

Some people will find that some of the veneer of the anti-static floor will crack when using the anti-static floor. What causes the crack? Is it safe to use PVC antistatic? Let's find a reason for everyone.

I. The melamine veneer of the anti-static raised floor formed due to the contraction of the melamine veneer of the antistatic raised floor due to the environment temperature and humidity in the equipment room failing to meet the national standards. The real result is that the static electricity cannot be discharged or leaked to cause equipment malfunction or paralysis. .

1. Because the ambient temperature and humidity in the computer room in the northern area cannot meet the national technical specifications. In particular, when the heating is turned on in winter, the environmental humidity does not reach the national standard, and the relative dryness in the environment is too large, so the melamine veneer accelerates to shrink and cause shelling and cracking.

2. The actual results after the environment humidity in the equipment room fails to meet the national standards. If any equipment in the equipment room fails to achieve anti-static, severe adverse results will occur. The reason is that it cannot conduct static electricity without humidity, that is, it cannot discharge or leak static electricity. There is static electricity everywhere in the equipment room on the ground piles, which can cause equipment malfunctions and severe paralysis.

2. For the environmental conditions of computer rooms and the environmental conditions of anti-static raised floors, the state has the following regulations:

1. Regarding the anti-static raised floor specifications and related technical provisions in the compilation of SJ / T10796-2001 issued by the Ministry of Information Industry's anti-static product quality supervision and inspection, the rules of 6.2 raised floor performance clearly stipulate the use of anti-static raised floors. The ambient temperature is: 23 ° C ± 2 ° C, and the ambient humidity is: 45% RH to 55% RH.

2. Regarding the computer room location There is another national standard GB2887-89 computer station location technical conditions rules. The ambient temperature and humidity specifications in the opportunity room, among which the ambient temperature is: Class A 22 ± 2 ℃, Class B 15 ~ 30 ℃, Class C 10 ~ 35 ℃; Ambient humidity is: 45% ~ 65% of Class A, 40% ~ 70% of Class B, 30% ~ 80% of Class C; The specifications of general communication room should reach Class A specifications . 3. Specifications of the telecommunications industry of the People's Republic of China The public case for static protection of telecommunications rooms VD / T754-95 also has the normative rules for ambient temperature and humidity: 4.2 relative humidity 40% to 65% of the environmental requirements.

1. The north computer room adds humidifiers with different capacities according to the space, and the south side adds dehumidifiers according to the space to handle the technical requirements of the computer room environment satisfying the rules in the national standard to ensure that the static electricity on the equipment, computers, and grounds in the computer room are properly discharged, leaked, and extended. Service life of anti-static raised floor.

2. The northern antistatic floor uses PVC permanent antistatic veneer, and the southern antistatic floor can use HPL melamine antistatic veneer and PVC permanent antistatic veneer.


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